Fade Away

Walking next to you
I wanted to walk an extra mile
Now I have to leave,
But I know I will do that with smile

I know the emotions were true,
Be it in your eyes or my eyes
But those eyes are now to be shut,
But I don't wanna do this running away
And with lies

But I cant let you know the truth
That Ill be leaving you forever
I will not be able to accept those tears
Which I have never

So, instead I have to break your trust
Doing the things I would have never done
I am sorry in advance to you
But I wanna tell you I cant help this one

I would do everything for you to hate me
Just for your happiness in life
I know it will hurt you
But your pain will indeed be far less than mine

With my ignorance and indifference
I will make you believe you deserved better
With keeping the sweet memories intact
Ill set a way for you to move over

With all the love intact in my heart
Ill be lost without final say
I know it will hurt you a lot
But my love, I cant help it
I have to FADE AWAY


Anonymous said...

Now when you are gone
I realized my love for you was strong

Baby i couldnt judge you were right and i was wrong
Is it just the way its meant to be
I am always dreaming that you are also missing me

I keep waiting here by the phone
Now when you are gone

When the phone rings i wish it were your call
I always see you on every empty wall
Although the heart,
has broken apart.
But it still has scars
in every broken part.
These scars neither heal
nor fade away.
But you aren't smitten with these scars is all pray

I had chice of rose but i chose thorns
Now when you are gone........

Kushal Arora said...

nice poem bro.........really liked it...........the concept i really nice............

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