Mistake of my life

Oct 25

Mistake of my life
hello was hard

didn't know what to say
you looked at me
but i looked the other way

i blushed every time i saw you
u talked to me everyday
u smiled u laughed u cared
didn't want me to look away

u finally talked to me and made me ya friend
we promised each other our friendship would never end
don't know why but after some time
you stopped talking to me and left me crying

you went too far snapping all the cords
you left me in a quandary why you behaved so odd
do tell me if i was a bad friend
do tell me if you expected something more
do tell me everything thats on ya mind
do tel me and please don't ignore

don't you remember how we used to play
when i was about to leave 
 you always wanted me to stay
don't you even recollect those days 
don't you even retrospect those days

though i wish you all the success in life
and pray that your life always go great guns
but i want u to know that
the word "friend" itself now scares me 
and i am wary of making new ones


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